Sunday, February 20, 2011

We are on a roll!!!

       Second week and here we are. It's been a wonderful Sunday, we had ward conference today with very much needed words and teachings. Anyway I am thinking about how incredible my life is and how truly blessed I am. Boone and I had a chance to go to a friends wedding yesterday in the temple and it was amazing. I love feeling the spirit at the temple, especially in a sealings. It always brings back to my mind the blessing that can be ours together as we live faithful. Since having Jane our sealing has an ever greater meaning and deeper value. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who has blessed me with the gospel in my life. I love that through the gospel I can grow to know my Savior and learn to be more like him. I love that through Him, I get the oppurtunity to be with my family forever! It really is the greatest gift and truly the plan of happiness!

Just looking at this picutre makes me so happy to have the blessings from the temples.

        On another note, this week Jane learned how to clap, with the influence of her good friend Eli. She now loves to stand and clap! Very cute! She also learned a new way to crawl downstairs so her knee doesn't have to be on the wood floor, she pushes herself with one foot and her two hands, also very cute. What else did Jane do?...... Oh yes, she has been waving and I believe she blew kisses to Mimi, Panka, and Daisha as they were leaving our house tonight. I can't believe how much she changes in just one day and even more so in one week!! She is just getting more and more fun everyday! Here are a few more picutres of Jane just because she really is the cutest! I just love getting to know her personality more!
Jane is so cool with her cousins sunglasses on!
Sleeping sweetly after a ride into Salt Lake.
How could you not love this sweet face?!

       On to other buisness that happened this week. Lee-lee was spade and is doing well. It's really hard to keep her from being crazy and her normal self with Cleo around. We are glad that she seems to be feeling well! All in all we had a great week, and if I may say, I am SO excited that tomorrow is presidents day so Boone doesn't have school! Woo-wee-mama! Until next time, so long.
I know this isn't the best placing of the camera but this is Lee-lee and Cleo being themselves. They are best friends, and simply unstoppable! 

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